The Reality of God

The reality of God can be studied from a variety of perspectives — including theology and philosophy among countless organized religions. Many religious institutions continue to perpetuate dogmatic perspectives, ultimately fueling the divide amongst diverse viewpoints. War, political turmoil, slavery and injustice are the products of such factions — everything is connected. To help reconcile these destructive issues, people around the world need to adopt an appreciative awareness. This creative process involves the following four steps: commit oneself, engage in honest conversation and listen carefully, spend time in solitude thinking and reflecting, and sometimes the consequence transforms one’s worldview.

Mass Media as a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Mainstream media holds the largest influence on public opinion, and public opinion is the driving force influencing a democratic government. Manipulating public opinion serves as a catalyst for achieving a deceptive political agenda.

The Normalcy Bias, Ignorance or Stupidity… It’s Time to Wake-up

Think, reflect and question everything for we are living in a manipulative world during a significant, historical time. The current American way of life and standard of living are on the decline and have been for decades.

When Conspiracy Theory Meets Fact

“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings,” said John F. Kennedy in his ‘Secret Societies‘ speech. If anyone is skeptical of even discussing conspiracy theories or believes them to be nothing more than a joke, they need to realize one of our greatest presidents gave a speech paralleling many of the same ideas as conspiracy theorists.

The primal question: What are we?

The primal question: What are we?

What are we?

Mike Alsford addresses this primal question in the second chapter of his book What if? Religious Themes in Science Fiction. Alsford notes the root of human inquiry reflect questions concerning the nature of humanity, regardless of the field of study. The sciences, arts and even theology present an ongoing odyssey to examine what it means to be human.

The evolution of human communication

The evolution of human communication

Humans are relational beings. We are social subjects that rely on one another to exist.

As we evolved through time, we’ve naturally evolved the way in which we communicate. While today’s digital media landscape may be a bit overwhelming, we can look to our past for comfort. History reveals how humans have adapted to technological advancements that increase the flow of information.

The 5 Ws to Make You Question Your Existence

The 5 Ws to Make You Question Your Existence

As days go by and the years go on, I have increasingly noticed people ask the same, notorious question along the lines of, "Where's the time gone?" This is an interesting thought, yet can't really be answered. This doesn't mean you should stop asking questions. This should only be the beginning.